Saturday, July 16, 2011

The enneagram and our basic assumptions

Here I begin reposting some of my earlier blog entries from  For more go to

One of the uses of the enneagram is to help us identify, analyze, and explicate patterns we repeat as ways of trying to discover how we relate to the universe, to God, and to ourselves.  All too often those patterns actually interfere with our deep relationships with Being, and yet we continue them in the belief that they will somehow move us closer to what is real and true.

Our personality patterns can involve behaviors, thoughts, identifications, and feelings.  By discovering and studying our personal enneatypes, we gain access to descriptions of our psycho-spiritual styles and the sorts of deep-rooted beliefs that bring about our repeated patterns and cause us to have difficulty making changes in our lives.

Underlying all the enneatypes is a belief that our assumptions about the world, other people, and ourselves are correct.  What if we were to consider the possibility that some of our basic assumptions are untrue and actually interfere with our ability to live a full life?

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