Sunday, August 7, 2011

When Life Gets Difficult

There isn't one of us who hasn't experienced snags, potholes, or real crises in life.  Even with a positive outlook or a strong spiritual foundation, no one is immune to problems.  Smoothness just isn't a characterisic of life, and neither is a steady sense of cheer.  It's normal to experience anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, fear, loneliness, valuelessness, and all the other emotions with which we respond to stress.

Not only is it normal to experience these feelings about our difficulties, but our feelings can be the vehicles for working on them most sanely.  When you feel an emotion, it carries with it some fundamental information about you.  It offers a way in to your deepest intelligence.  And that deep intelligence is what will help you meet your problems in a grounded, calm, clear, and courageous manner.

My work with the enneagram has taught me that all feelings are useful when approached as vehicles for self-understanding.  This is one of the ways I work with people in therapy and coaching sessions, and the results are staggering.  It's about helping clients find their true center even when they've been thrown a curveball, even in the midst of otherwise overwhelming demands, even when it seems that the worst-case scenario has become real. 

On getting in touch with our true centers, we know that hope, peace, strength, and love abound.  No matter what.

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